Introducing Access Arts Croydon
Posted Wednesday 5 June 2024

The online resource, Access Arts Croydon, is an important legacy of London Borough of Culture, with the vision of transforming Croydon into a radically inclusive borough.
Developed by This Is Croydon‘s Access Advisory Group, the Access Manifesto and Toolkit aimed to make the programme inclusive of Croydon’s deaf, disabled and neurodiverse community – as artists, participants and audiences.
It is now freely available at Access Arts Croydon, with Croydon-based creative organisations encouraged to sign-up to one of three tiers, to work towards making venues and events more accessible. On offer, is free guidance and toolkits, consultancy from Zoo Co, and an equipment library of items from captioning software to ear defenders. The aim is to dismantle barriers and champion the creative potential which will be unleashed in Croydon when everybody is invited to take part.
Hear from Zoo Co’s Access Director, Fleur Rooth, on why the Access Manifesto is important for Croydon, and what individuals and organisations signing up can expect. Film by TVOX.
Watch the Video
“It’s fantastic that this resource is available to Croydon and the local arts sector. We hope other organisations will make full use of the Access Manifesto, making creative and cultural events more inclusive across the borough, as well as throughout the wider arts sector.
– Drunken Chorus
“As a freelance producer, I was working across a range of organisations as part of London Borough of Culture 2023. Although I have some access support knowledge, it is limited, so to have equipment, resources and a manifesto to provide goals and guidance was invaluable.”
Talita Moffatt, Freelance Producer
“Having the Access Manifesto available to us was a fantastic tool to interrogate our access provision for participants and audiences. We really appreciated the opportunity to take part in access training and support provided by Zoo Co, which allowed us to reflect and implement aspects of the manifesto in a personalised way.”
– Dance Umbrella
“The resources offered through the Access Library and Access Arts Croydon website have been a key asset for Croydon’s Cultural sector, and particularly useful for widening the scope of our access offer across Stanley Arts’ programme. The Access Manifesto represents an important ongoing platform for promoting access to cultural provision.”
– Stanley Arts