Windrush Heritage & Diamond Anniversary Summit
The Windrush Bureau have commissioned the Windrush Revival Voyager, a luxury-chartered replica of the Windrush Empire cruise liner, commissioned to virtually retrace the historic Windrush voyage from the Caribbean to the UK, completing just in time for the diamond anniversary celebrations.
An opening ceremony will be held at a private location, where upon the official Windrush generations flag will be raised on the nautical flagpole, by local councillors & VIP distinguished guests. Several other local supporting boats and premises will be decked out with Windrush flags and supporting banners & posters.
A hybrid Webinar Summit will broadcast the official launch of the Windrush Bureau’s Heritage Centre commemorating the Windrush Heritage & 75th Diamond Anniversary Summit on Windrush National Day June 22nd until the 25th.
All online patrons can enjoy an exclusive grand exclusive virtual tour of the Windrush Voyager, furnished with over 100 artefacts, photos, and Windrush memoirs to commemorate the anniversary. The official launch of the Windrush Bureau’s Heritage Centre will then follow as well as live panel discussions, presentations, competitions and the first ever Windrush Heritage Awards Ceremony.
Live sessions will be available on-demand throughout the webinar summit.