Education page for This is Croydon. Picture from CYAC takeover.

This is Croydon schools programme

Sign up as an Arts & Culture School  

Schools and colleges in the borough are invited to register as an Arts & Culture School to demonstrate to pupils and parents your commitment to the positive power of the arts for our children and young people.  

Complete the quick and easy online registration form to join up now. You will receive:

  • A plaque for your school entrance to make public your commitment to the arts.
  • A digital ‘badge’ for your website and email footers.
  • Regular This is Croydon school e-newsletters with access to trips and workshop bookings, free curriculum linked resources and highlights from schools in the area.
  • An invitation to share your own school’s success to be showcased in the newsletter.
Children from Crescent Primary School, Selhurst, in Thornton Heath at the launch of Croydon Fields Week, as part of This Is Croydon, the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture.

This is Croydon: School Programme Launch

The This is Croydon School Programme launched on 19 of September at Stanley Arts. Thank you to all those teachers and partners who came along. 

If you couldn’t make the event, please download the handout from the day sharing highlights from the programme and the three main ways you and your school can get involved. 

You can also view Arts and Culture schools resources here.

This is Croydon – Arts & Culture School Programme
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